This letter is about my desire to skip out of Tacoma and come back to Pittsburgh even if it means leaving my stuff and abandoning Section 8.  That’s what it is about, not a statement saying that this is what I’m going to do. A critical consideration is that regionally, while they have booth done sadistic harm to me, Seattle persists in acting on their martial proclivities now, against a deaf senior citizen, whereas Pittsburgh was at their most aggressive ravenously battering me as a child, kicking me in the head with rubber soles and so on.  What’s going on here is a continuation of the vicious social program of the 80’s drummed up by Cornel West, a Black nut from Princeton, so the odds of getting away from them by going to Pittsburgh is very slim. Tacoma knows it for what it is, at least, Military Sociology. I’m not saying it will do you any good, but I need someone to know the truth.

       Starting with my health, putting aside the usual stuff about delusions and so on, I get double beats but my stomach, which may be the cause, so far, there hasn’t been ultrasound yet but everything else, is okay, so is my throat, we did endoscopy and colonoscopy, but I did get heart electrical problems from the medical mistreatment that led to diabetes, and I have had lightheaded days lately.    If my gums ever fully heal with the swish it will sure have taken a very long time. Musically, I keep getting better. I play like an angel now. The piano is lovely, resonant, what notes I can’t hear I can feel. Believe it or not, after some rest, I actually got an erection a few days ago, just don’t let it get around, the military will go crazy. The suspicious death by heart of failure of Richard Roehm, my deaf coach, occurred while it came to light that the chain of command here in Seattle includes a Pittsburgh heart doctor from the Babyland area where there was a legendary murder, back when always cooing Jeannie was living next door to Babyland, a heart doctor whose father owned the drinking establishment where the men who kidnapped and tortured me as a child frequented.  He moved out here to Seattle before I did, apparently. The finks who lured me here all lay in wait. Rosa’s husband was part of the gang who poisoned me in the mouth, a classmate of the ghoul who took me camping when I, yet again, allowed myself to be lured back.

       The obvious crime at work can be seen in the tall tale Pittsburgh tells about what was done to me.   There are three stages: One-Before the Seizures; Two-During the Seizures; Three-After the Seizures. William Wattenmaker of Pitt Neurobehavioral Research, from all indications with the help of UW Medicine, was part of a slaughtering gang that put a nerve agent into my childhood tormented soul and then worked with pornographers to smother it in the vaginal fluids of child bondage captivity to their slave propertizing methods.   They knew they were targeting the impacted brain bomb while threading a narrative through campus with the help of Ming Na Wen and Carnegie Mellon drama school. That narrative is very popular among the military happy kids around still drunk on the playwright angle from Warhol’s cronies, which include Donald Trump. Then, they detonated it, which I barely survived, a prolonged, punishing ordeal as they raked the coals of glee having taken my fiance by strategy, brutally mistreating me in homelessness.   The personalities at work waved their arms magically over and over again, sending me letters from Peter Gabriel, Clint Eastwood’s autograph, all proclaiming the same stupid lies, contagion is a community mandate, you are not authorized to escape, and so on. The fact that Donnie Chin was gunned down pretty clearly shows their spite for the scientific evidence of child mutilation crime. Police inability to grasp that key fact allows the whole nightmare to plod on and on resolving itself by legerdemain. The fact of a forgery being the guiding light of a party line narrative is obvious to anyone who cracks the files.  In the sick fantasy of Pittsburgh, the fact that they lied about child torture becomes truth under the heavy breathing of the claim Reagan didn’t know.

        The sad thing is that this is the sort of hidden hand planning that is obvious from all of it.  Wattenmaker used to play a game with me of electronic football which involved hiding what you were doing behind your hand.   The privileged information situation is a minor Illuminati confederation. It isn’t that I’m wrong about who it is, only that it is insubordination to name them.   The plea bargaining involved is their style of filibuster. To stay here and finish school I have to be at their mercy, and yet if I try to escape they call it abandonment, which isn’t really clever, they just own the playing field and they have legions and legions of people who have nothing to gain from manning up about what happened, all of whom stylize their loyalties around things like the infallibility of the NAACP who have no credibility at all in this case.

        The situation was purposefully brought into relief by the recent Corona virus attack, which no doubt made them laugh as a “cold” war.   The reasoning is meant to be exemplified, yet again, by the usual gurus lording over the sidewalks, and I quote from an article in the Chinatown newspaper from Seattle here.   It says, “Racist coronavirus response needs healing through solidarity,” which means, of course, that the gig is a strategic re-enactment to hammer down their gains as the architects of the AIDS abomination.  They are strangling the planet as a victory ultimatum. The idea that contagion is racist is the epitome of how the NAACP sold their non-engagement of the AIDS atrocity while playing all victim and leveraging things like the Elders Project.   When Warhol was confiscating the letters for Ono, whose partner wrote them, Davey Jones showed up with Jocelyn from Duquesne, a name arrangement. Davey Jones signifies both a locker in a pirate chest and Bowie’s real name. Jocelyn of course was a namesake of Jocelyn Elders.   I found a cement writing in Seattle’s Green Party district from the 80’s that reads both Noah and Free Nelson Mandela, which shows that I’m right about Obama, plain and simple.

      What the NAACP did to me at school is beyond the pale.   I’d be the first to admit it was instigated downtown by people in the Pittsburgh Catholic extreme, notoriously Fred Rogers and WQED.   They covered for KKK nightriders who kidnapped and tortured me while making up a very vicious fairy tale about the government justifications for the pornography war game they lured me into as an AIDS testing lab rat on Mt. Desert Island.   This situation exists in a long-standing bind of blackmail and plea bargaining.    

         To conclude however is academic material because the problem of truth in ideological conflict pertains to property, who owns the playing field can be a more significant forcer than any sort of truth.  Russian religious psychology is at the root of Trump's endorsement by Putin, in fact, so much so that it is virtually a synthesis of White Russia's help of Hitler and Marxism. Academic word salad is the art of a chef in military sociology.  They convinced both right and left of certain strategic deceptions, primarily regarding the sainthood of Yoko Ono, a Trump wangler.

        Obama may as well have been a robot from the Reagan Wax Museum, what did he accomplish but war and global warming? he didn't even try to mitigate the spite in race affairs.  Havel used to talk about the whole thing being “terribly entertaining,” just as the Trump situation demands more from the mirthful than the thoughtful and there's a point to that though, Trump is a Velvet Revolutionary in the Havel/Zappa sense, but that's the sort of forbidden history that makes the US a Czech style social experiment now.  Lou Reed and Donald Trump had very close friends in common, Warhol among them. One of the goals of brain-damaging me was probably an attempt to force me into servant status to Gay hustlers. I remember Gail Burstyn being very dismayed when I started singing in a Punk Rock band, Citizens Arrest, to reclaim my macho. People who think Lou Reed’s Transformer record and Seattle standards of political correctness towards mean-spirited transgender persons might want to look up Walter Langer, who had the idea of sex change as a defeat and a humiliation for strategic research against enemies, and that is very clearly the powerhouse Yoko Ono disturbingly brings to the table.

      It's important not to be proud of your ignorance in these matters, and I do belong in school somewhere, because I know a lot, even though the military sociologists will go easier on you for remaining in the dark.   The sad fact is that the children are catching on around the adults unwillingness, leaving them at risk of estrangement. We know from research about Pitt that Holocaust revenge was ironed out in a truce with Bayer and Monsanto who are exterminating the bees.  Someone played the Ayn Rand game , Who is John Galt, while hiding Adolf Hitler, who was mistaken as an actor’s voice. This may well be a fight against a gang who want total revenge on the human race for defeating their bid for totalitarian control. My impression from reading many things about the holocaust as a child who was smeared, derided, tortured and yet sometimes treated with emotional guidance in a Holocaust survivor community, is that the witnesses at Nuremberg were very thoughtful people but the publishing house came to favor much more extreme, eccentric personalities.

    Jimmy, they say in Pittsburgh, was the perfect parody.   Repeat after Lennon, Jimmy.

Love is or Levitt

Love is or Levitt