Fresh from celebrating a million American slaughter, Ichiro’s tagteamsters in Tacoma Rainier Cheney Stadium made a boondock State Patrol bid to hold in perpetuity exclusive rights and monopoly on Michael Reagan’s favorite scene.  It doesn’t behoove me to take quietly being bullied by Nazi perverts who are administratively and factually in the wrong.  Stealing an ancient American name’s pride of place is the deadly achievement of Trumpytune’s lispers from the Bubonic Bowie era.   Meanwhile, I’ll continue to tend to the record.

       The rabid stalked me at the Stadium wearing a shirt, “Kill your Local Pedophile,” and winking at me as though from Clockwork Orange.  They failed to secure any sort of response from the victim of their Frankenstein implant but they did succeed in proving what they are trying to pull, which is to cover up in broad daylight the criminal secrecy of how Donald held me in bondage, tortured me as a child, brutally pedophiled me and then dared me to even think about it as they prod with reminders.  This they call sounding me out and it’s hardly surprising that Michael Reagan and Yoko Ono are found partners in such a monstrosity.

       I remember a few of the films Macine took me to at age 13 while I was near mortally toxed.  Texa Chainsaw Massacre, a dormitory murder double feature that ended with a car toppling over a bridge, Cannibal Girls, something paired with it in a subway supposedly based on a truth, Devil in Mrs. Jones, Last House on the Left, Deep Throat, and this is the sort of information Jay Inslee wants to hide because his frat boys made good on castratinig me and advertising in advance the covid bomb by poisoning me in the mouth.

      Despite this, I cannot and will not publicly air either what they showed me from Soldier of Fortune Magazine’s first issue nor what they said as I cowered in semi-coma.  The rabid will come digging for Michael Reagan’s favorite scene ranting that I am withholding.  Before covid they were calling trying to give warning about the AIDS attackers “a tie.”  The murderers just took a million America lives and are still calling it a tie.  How strange their allegation, “They were your friends!” sounds today.

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