The fires in Australia in January of 2020 that were answered by the President of the United States with a tweet for assassination in Iran moves us a little closer to the tipping point in climate forfeiture and we do not know if the smoke will ever clear. A 50 million dollar lawsuit against Hillary Clinton by the soon forgotten Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard is meanwhile in the news. The establishment, armed with street drug bicyclists circling the victim and witness to British war crime effectively blocked information about Mt. Desert Island by a hustler’s scam authored by Paul McCartney, whose name isn’t as racy and believable as the actual signatory Penis Gabriel. Penis Gabriel covered for Gail Burstyn by a war crime of Slander-For-Charity that remains in the works.
The evidence alone showing that the Beatles are the architects of the AIDS attack isn’t the only holy war force at work. The language of the plan is in the entire backstab and upload of acid rock into our society. Working with Greg Karl and Paul Runco of Pittsburgh Catholic, Ringo Starr created a tyranny around their prey in a war crime of Slander-For-Charity by “constructing a persona” to quote Greg Karl while simultaneously withholding recognition, an old game for the British behind the Axis revenge plan. Lennon withheld recognition for America’s place in victory for the war in his blurry asides about their goodbye to JFK when they said hello to themselves as his replacement in the hearts of our society, position himself to promote a Japanese hate criminal.
The script Lennon and Gabriel authored through Warhol’s associates in Pittsburgh when they kidnapped, tortured and impacted a neuroplasm of utility in their war crime of Slander-For-Charity names Nobuko, the star of the Japanese film Children of Hiroshima. The script-writer has a lookalike in a film based on a book by Ayn Rand, who specialized in public deception regarding the checking out of important people before the crowd could claim their tax base for the underprivileged. Instead of Lennon, Gabriel and McCartney constructed a persona by slander and withheld recognition in a war crime of Slander-For-Charity.
Although I did investigate among the crimes I turned up is an organized crime of pornography that the NAACP are involved in where they lied about how I was taken prisoner and held hostage as a child to de-victimize me when they ran pornographic support for the attackers behind the AIDS atrocity. But the point is that they were pornographers and that held me as a child pornography means blackmail, suits for defamation, all sorts of shell games, as a turf war of first resort. The fact that the NAACP engaged in gang encirclement in a crime of Murder for Profit demanding the sales of slander and the spoils of trophy politics, is a well-known situation in the streets of both Pittsburgh and Seattle where the station masters of New York City run cold-blooded hotwires through the narrative psychology of their Hollywood monstrosity. By the terribly malicious prank of a pornographic schoolgirl crime targeting an impacted neuro-trauma, the rabid created a rhetorical umbrella depicting the AIDS attack itself as anti-fascism while confiscating their letters in a zero-sum turnaround game for the Axis.
The NAACP has not yet answered the question put to them at their newspapers, The New Pittsburgh Courier, the Skanner and The Seattle Medium, which is why did they tolerate something as vicious as what the South African Police decided not to do to Nelson Mandela, which was the idea of poisoning him in the brain to humiliate the African National Congress. They were afraid that if they were caught they would be the ones humiliated. I’m sure the same fear is at work in the insufferable insults I was subjected to by Pittsburgh’s NAACP in their torrid and histrionic refusal to admit slaughtering attacks on me as a child. Leaving it to God means never having to pay up.
You would think that would be all there was to it. When Joseph Conrad wrote Heart of Darkness and ended with the adage, “Murder the brutes, the horror, the horror,” black people didn’t take very kindly to it, which is perfectly understandable, but what is someone supposed to say in discovering that the British are so vile that they used the tyranny created by Paul McCartney, whose Pittsburgh namesake Paul Tierni was one of the Executors of the hostage-taking incident he authored and now lies claiming he merely supports, that they would take revenge on the soul of the United States not only through JFK’s murder and the use of a Mandela’s brain poison crime, but by psycho-technological engineering of a Pentagon Disney action every bit as terrible and deranged as Lennon’s Houdini, a Fantastic Voyage into another man’s mind.
The use of Ultrahigh to project Ringo’s filthy eccentricities into the soul of man badly wounded by nerve poison calculated to leave him screaming in suffering, drenched with rain in homelessness, to profit Axis confederates who pulled this off for Yoko Ono and Warhol, persons in the chain of command who knew me for a little boy namesake of the bomb that conjured Nobuko, for the object of conquest when Lennon checked out and left the Texas Schoolbook at Pitt to be slipped to his confederates, notoriously vile and willing to commit any outrage in his name.
The worst Hitlers in deceit’s currency, King Crimson, subjected a deaf man who had been horribly tortured, to a pounding of homoerotic sadism using AIDS as a weapon of their glee. You would think that even Veterans in America had a shred of personal honor. The Axis want their achievement noted in a zero sum game from the coward Fripp.
The semiotics of the Texas Schoolbook are clear, as is the heist in the text. The power structure is just waiting for it to arrive. George Lucas thrilled to pay heaps of money promoting Martin Luther King as the godfather of the deal by building the statue in the D.C. mall. Dr. King is now the saint of love who led the damned to his heavenly estate and the spiteful text by Gail Burstyn is considered holy writ rather than written by evil in the depths of Lennon’s greed and spite. The semiotics of the super-movie, endorsed by Spike Ole Lee who just wanted Obama’s picture on the wall of Sal’s Pizza Parlor as a celebration of evil hour, are in architectural relief around the country as well, propped by Axis America in the long gestation, such as the picture I am including of a 50 cents room visible in the upper right hand, where the rabid placed me for historic incubation, sniper’s den location in this picture from Chinatown in cross-relief to the Bush Hotel. This shows that it’s not just 1025 Liverpool in Pittsburgh and the decapitated peace signs by the same architect all over my old school in cement, nor the finger written concrete legend in Seattle, FREE NELSON MANDELA and the word NOAH.
Bowie might as well have been speaking for Prince Charles to Greta Thunberg when he sniped at Jesus in the sick film by Penis Gabriel, “We don’t want to be changed,” unless of course you mean surrender to the Axis, positively pastoral with Hitler’s magic word. Anything else is a death wish in Dealey Plaza’s death valley against Charles Bronson and Clint.
Tierni worked with Jackie Hanley. If you hink about it, Unrue, Han is probably an index to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.