One both cannot and has to try to reason with the journalists in the fourth estate where due to his alliance from the mid-70’s at least with Peter Gabriel, who married into Queen Elizabeth’s entourage, Trump’s mentality has long held sway even among those who have opposed him as a stark contrast to what they would prefer. It would be better if news reporters had a general education outside their field, because they wouldn’t feel so trapped by empty rhetoric when they fall flat and unable to answer. This article will resolve this issue for them and make those who read it into better reporters.
The origins of University of Washington political sociology and its sway over our international digest can be seen in a book recently acquired that easily confirms my index presentation concerning Administrative tampering by false Americans. By Roberta Seret (which like Lucarelli hiding alucard) is generational and dedicated to children Greg and Cliff. Knowing that Greg Karl worked on the Warhol script and that Cliff Roberson is the star of the assassination and AIDS war program, the wook World Affairs in Foreign Films gives much insight into how tampering with public understanding by aggressors posing as friends out to ruin our names operates.
In the 80’s the image machine capitulated in the AIDS attack to personality cult bellyaching, justifying for example Sean Lennon’s whining that I am not the walrus to sell a deal embracing the promotion of the killers of those who killed my father and he claims killed his. His explanation is that the Beatles are worthless, weak, effeminate little doilies with no capacity in their magic cloak and dagger show to subordinate a deaf man in mania to the status of a person who came to them with information trying to get help. It was telltale about their mental processes in targeting me. I was the child of a well respected and talented philosopher of education, hero in both Peace Corps and the Navy. My grandparents were Distinguished Citizens of Poplar Bluff. They ignored and denied evidence of torture to sell mayhem and mania in a personality cult jamboree to cover for the AIDS attack and set up the Covid-19 bomb. Nobody missed how Seattle Police lured me downtown in a drenching rain on the eve of the nightmare.
David Ickes’ ranting is telltale. A partner of Gail Burstyn he depends on character assassination in limited hangout about what the British are planning while the actual facts of what they have already done are not included. Brainwave sonar is barely a secret anymore. The idea that Black Lives Matter is part of a routine to smash Civil Rights on the part of British control board fantasists who know how to smash American dreams. The press establishment has long hummed that our Civil Rights problems can’t be solved with dreams and that secret methods, like AIDS and Covid, are called for. However you may enter into understanding about this, whether by reading Moxyland where the South African Secret Service mock the USA for letting the British get away with it, or by reading Martin Luther King, the better digest is simple. All Black American Lives are entitled to Civil Rights guarantees. We can work on human rights and insist on racial equity in our promotion of Human Rights, but nations in Africa, Asia, South America and so on have their own armies, histories and purposes.
Too often academics in universities do not understand this. Black Studies warriors! Warriors! Howl that all whites owe for the carnage of slavery and team up with the sickest of the KKK advancing their hate crimes as Black Panthers. Then they yowl it was David Bowie’s franchise, milking the brains of child molesters to show a Pittsburgh normal. Amy Globalczar is out to ruin our names when she says she knows you to the people of Iowa. She knows you turned back the ship called Saint Louis and the Jews onboard ended up in Sobibor. We can’t both have an America that seeks by American principles and philosophy improvement in the conditions of Our Commonwealth and redress injuries committed by total strangers in times past. The idea that we should has led these morons to embrace AIDS and Covid as answers.
When Donnie Chin was killed to set up a pretext to murder Saoirse Kennedy you either have to believe his sister was party to the murder of her brother or that she is stupid enough to help his killers do something that psychotic. Since the latter idea rules, it is relevant indeed that it stands as a normal for Seattle Times, who in their Pravda, announce their agency as THE TRUTH. They stood by while Obama failed to report a superweapon and turned over the keys to a maniac.