One generation policies are a run on the bank of earth’s resources. Destruction of schools is basic training for those being steered by company moral imposters.
This lobby concerns the way in which mass school shootings play in hybrid war about which the public is in the dark comprehension-wise. The legal mechanisms of political power also are a clue, with access weaponized. Unfortunately, this wears a camouflage of special-pleading since an eerie caseload revolves around what the active shooters are calling my “persona.” To address this, barred ferociously and unjustly from courts and audience by deafness and hybrid civil war, I have been studying a book.
Published in Princeton, c2012, Against Massacre by Davide Rodogno Humanitarian Interventions in the Ottoman Empire 1815-1914 has an introduction pregnant with the situation that led me to purchase the book 10 years after its publication which cannot redact detective feeling against the cynicism of prior orchestration, here suspected, I emphasize the order of reasoning that privileges the key concept on page two “preventing the repetition.” His scholarship appears to have been useful in predicting stages for military planning involving stages and limited humanitarian outcome, stages including non-intervention. We are in the baiting stage of hybrid war, a guessing game. The sort of people who face devastation when confronted with betrayal and tragedy are of no interest to these lever pullers.
It’s a history book selectively. It is about the history of humanitarian interventions. Dan Rather has stated that inability to put yourselves in the shoes of those affected by your policies renders you unfit to lead. It is a Kennedy generation sensibility that I share and of course it is contested; not so much by this scholarly book about the history of this noteworthy sensibility. Rodogno doesn’t state that the aspiration of helping others is at fault, only that what has emerged over the past three centuries has been contradictory and with mixed results, some of it due to antagonism that jeopardizes the enterprise of seeking to protect the helpless. In focusing on such issues as the massacre of Armenians in the late middle 19th c. he makes crystal clear that quiet, well-behaved, complete bystanders have been the targets of virtual extermination and this has triggered the Intervention movement.
Notice the important fact that although he doesn’t mention Dr. King, whose utility function to Trump was known to be seen as an astral plane duty by the usurpers, his genesis structure confirms the struggle between Human Rights and Civil Rights that only Dr King championed as common cause. His opening quote attributes the mandate perceived to influence public outcry to bring about state power to protect innocent strangers from massacre and calls it cosmopolitan. That was in a quote from the end of the 19th c. So if a Ltd massacre, shy of holocaust (maybe) is in the works and of course the noble impulse was generated and here we are. The euphoria and self regard would then be on schedule for conscription into its function in apocalypse by stressing never again-ism. The utility of humanitarianism is in de-escalation as controlled by demonstration projects.
Hollywood and Berlin had agreements before the outbreak of war that resemble what our media has brokered with Trump, a man whose nobodyness could almost be used to illustrate an obscure cosmic principle. Aside from doing dirty to the gifted and harmless, as Hollywood did with Berlin in WW2, there are attending dangers when sectarian senior faculty go the grasshopper road.
In the sense that academics can be a conversation with unfamiliar names the book Against Massacre has a potpourri but finding Clinton’s name in the Index is not reassuring; other familiar names are limited to Hitler. If Biden were to appear it would be astride one of the author Davide Rodogno’s droogs Peter Balakian. What Fripp did to Jimmy Crary found him under the dark observations of faculty with whom the device once studied, among them Balakian. We will limit the recital of wrongs to chemical castration over perceived insults to a Jewess who was chaste and unbowed. One of the partners to Fripp and Balakian, John Shulman, was arrested on eight million dollar museum heists after his gang mutilated me and ran me deaf out of town into two years of seizures in homelessness.
Which is to say, Pitt and Pgh. undercover cops weirdly accused me of armed robbery and then began cyber tapping double letters turning words like Rob into Robb. What I know of this gang shows fiendish criminals of UW Dialectical pouncing with Gabriel and Fripp depend upon sect status you find in groups like bashi-bazouks.