For Congress, the only issue is what they refuse to admit was human trafficking, so we'll just call it thex. While they were using me for the X-termination program, the agency that releases death in various forms, who built the behemoth of the General Electric grid, raped our economy for nuclear weapons and can't even talk to each other across the aisle in the Senate, who today I lobby for Re-Imagining the Department of Labor and Botany/Climate Change Curriculum Reform, put down your obsession with defaming a victim of torture, obviously aren't interested in how to deal with the sudden juggernaut of Earth lashing out.

When I suggested greenhouses in the 80's at school to look into what was happening, they called me an Aquarian and tsk-tsk'd me. A retired commander from the Army sighed at me during a ride home from work saying, "It is widely believed in the Pentagon that the earth just isn't going to make it," adding, "But who cares? I've lived a good life." When I asked him about his grandchildren he was embarrassed.

Meanwhile there were letters in the Black Press seething that Ecology is a plot to cheat the Black man of his due in industry. Just as during the Nuclear scam era there was a letter that got a lot of angry retorts to the effect that if anyone survived a nuclear war he wanted it to be an American Adam and Eve. When the Crown's Pussyball War Game, clocked to the AIDS X-termination by the Beatles, Two Virgins, came to light, the NAACP was demanding that if anyone was going to sleep with Midori Goto, the sacred symbol of life, according to this Hiroshimiac revenge script by an Israeli working with Reagan, that it would be a The Black Man! And they poisoned me in a whorehouse sit-in.

You won't hear anything about me but crows from Yoko Ono and the Neva Pornographic Corporation who cyberstalk my essays and glimpses of the life I lost when they misled me by Rosa, the Green Party virgin.