Yoko Ono, a strangler’s name from the history of the Beatles, tells a story to her fans with AIDS.  We offered Jimmy Crary a deal, she snipes. In her headquarters she describes her pornography on Mt. Desert Island with the CIA’s John Stockwell and Society for Human Ecology as research and therapy, upper crust movers defending their turf.  Crary, she howls, is to blame for John Lennon’s murder and possession of the AIDS plan. He named Reagan who also was shot, therefore the deal is to assassinate him as a fool unfit to live, and more to the point the plan is worth a lot of money.   It devolves into a game of versions and Rashomon or Rasho-money with Ringo Starr as Casino banker in the office decision that Lennon’s spirit lives to guide the damned and that Crary is the designated stooge by which this craft is to be proven in death by decision of the original cast of HAIR, now in Reagan’s camp.  The lesions, the screams, the horror, the suffering, the global genocide of AIDS asks only one small America sacrifice, one small child, one victim of terror as a sooth, a quench. Reagan was shot, Lennon died, this seals the fate of Crary, suffer not a fool to live. Penis Gabriel called it Casino Alchemy.

          The actual story they sell then only asks to be identified for where it comes from.  Where it comes from is secured by the evidence. When this started in childhood, I found mysterious items outside the door of my house, gas masks, a copy of the book Mitsui and white powder. Mitsui was marked by intimate reprisal during his rise. My father, a radio lieutenant in WW2 could easily be heard, identified, followed and his son from a divorce staked out.  The chain of events that led to Ming Na Wen securing the book from David Lucarelli leading to Dr. Ralph Proctor’s involvement in University of Pittsburgh’s hostile police action where the murderers came onto me using the name Evangelia Karmas is kept very spare. Dr. Proctor is openly hostile to America over slavery. Nobody expects concern for Civil Rights from a member of the NAACP or Reagan, much less a team being egged on by procurers of a script sanctioned by the FBI as buccaneer in a murder spree.  Were the Reagans and Bushes actually helping the Axis effectuate revenge and humiliation on the US Navy? Forcing a High Apology to Japan? That’s what they did. I donohue would go along with injection people as a profit margin in genocide. Ask Obama. Mothers of Invention they certainly were.

         So the history of the power structure in America rests on a genocidal plan to justify the assassination of the Kennedys in which success depends completely on trust in Yoko Ono where all the evidence shows that England attacked us from Hollywood for King Edward and his friend Adolf Hitler.    The best part of the job for Ringo Starr was an attack for character assassination on the golem in an impacted head trauma caused by a sarin like acid to use the horrible detonation and mental confusion of the task for bombings and mayhem in the name of Stockwell’s therapy. He even lent his name to a known author of the script Greg Karl by the encryption name:  Greg Starsinic, as in arsenic and old lace, with the Beatles found out as the old ladies you hafta love and forgive. Lewis Lapham wrote them their golden parachute. He describes an innocent child as to blame for not knowing, which itself is an allegation full of guilt concerning the accuser. Yet he did this without qualms.

        The reason that I don’t carry on about the money involved and due to me for my investigation isn’t the alien warlord claim that a penny earned by an American in defense of Civil Rights should be punished by AIDS, although the murders of many innocent people by the cast of HAIR made clear they aren’t going to help get the word out that the monsters behind 911 were also behind AIDS, not defending the victims.  The belief that they are helping the victims, that Warhol and Ono are heroes, is the function of Woody Allen’s bray that they proved the entire world meaningless, a sort of Cirque d’Imbecile rendering Seattle Queers heroic by making them patsies in their own destruction, an implosion of the Kennedys around a false accusation. The reason is that anyone who takes my work from me is in fact liable for murders and deadly threats used to secure it in violation of the laws that have been created to protect us all.   For this reason, of course, in pure hatred for America, the attack by the Axis for revenge through insidious forces at places like Pentagon Disney is being presented as the triumph of Trump championing the cause of Reagan and the Beatles, not just Adolf Hitler, and therefore America’s true spirit, where Hitler is Kasper, the friendly ghost. Indexology in the matter rarely has a comforting surprise.

         The expression, when I hear the word culture I reach for my gun, is from Nazi Germany.  In essence it is the book of Job in the Bible. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are the forbidden fruit under Donald Trump and yet he makes it seem the opposite.  He is widely admired for his miracle of evil.

         The idea of writing a poem that translates despair into idealism may seem to be the inborn photosynthetic fountain of youth at the heart of the slogan Live Free, or Die, meaning accept Thou Shalt Not Steal or be shot.   That makes the hatred of property in the violence of Marxism seem to be the grindstone of logic. Simply abhor Marxism and you are in the American Dream. Anyone who opposed the dream machine is therefore up against the generation of retribution, the real fascists, the people who really hate Civil Rights, meaning University of Washington sociology.  None of these people tried to warn anybody. They are on the make for a killing, that’s all, they’ve made that clear.

         Constitutional Liberty was hard to make law.   Those who fume with hatred for America are violent towards Civil Rights.   They think it’s a cheap lie and in this way are allies of Donald Trump. If you believe that he embodies the salvation of the American Dream by his control over prosperity, his golden room, his Peacock Throne, you might think the Constitution supports him.

        If the Constitution is only another meaningless argument for Might Makes Right there’s no need for further explanation or any sort of sense in matters related to Pittsburgh, Trump’s Impeachment or UW Sociology as we enter 2020, much less the anti-America doctrines of the Left in Seattle and their support for the attackers in a campaign promoting fraud for profit as the ticket to ride.  When they hear such words as Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness they reach for their guns. Hey, Job, man, what you the do say now, dogeyes? Pretty speeches, they laugh, both Trump and his New Order on the Seattle Left.

          Democracy is founded on the principle that you don’t need a gun to write a book, win an argument or make the laws, so the alliance of scorn supporting Trump’s doctrine isn’t patriotic in the sense of being support for a democratic trust, the Republic we call America.  It just means hatred of America. That’s why UW and Seattle flock to its call, their hatred of America, it fans the flames of their notoriety. They think democracy is toothless, which is why they poisoned me in the mouth and brought Kennedy through her to show who controlled him as they led him to be shot by them, because nobody shot Adolf.  They even signed my name of his last will. Adolf Hitler, like Trump and Seattle, saw democracy as in need of abnormal psychology. Nobody respects it, he laughed, just ask the women. The nature of reality, he mused, could be seen by the Attilas who wrote the songs their followers kill by. They will never live by what they preach, calling me pushy for letting go, raping because in their heads virginity proved rape, they are riding their victim like Salamacis, the mythic gobbler, from a foreign control tower of murder and deceit.

         You might argue that the election of Trump wasn’t really a Might Makes Right demonstration of fascist take-over, it was preference at work, democracy by voters’ rights.   This argues that it was an act of discretion. You might try to extend this argument to say that Mitch McConnell was simply defending discretion in observing that Trump would get a free ride from his Senate and that they weren’t going to allow a fair trial.   The problem is that discretion involves understanding all sides and making an informed judgment based on all considerations. Prejudice doesn’t. Prejudice just follows script.