Japan used to torture Christians. However in Seattle, the Christians themselves are using such methods on other Christians. The criminally insane pattern of Seattle Hero House is a good example. They hold a snide dis-inclusiveness towards me that has a chain gang mission from Pittsburgh that belies Kronenbitter’s claim not to have known Brooks or helped arrange the Alpana scam. The murderous ruthlessness is perfectly obvious. They aren’t playing at Whodunits. They are announcing their agency as Murder, Inc. To inflict a just measure of pain is a quality hard for some Christians who prefer to forgive. The answer of the murderers is to demand forgiveness at the point of a gun and subject their victim to endless betrayals and serial ripper acts of mutilation infamy, just for asking to be left alone from sadism.
We begin to understand Microsoft and their science of enforcing fraud through the operations of Penis Gabriel. The murderers detonated a long planned impacted nerve injury to prove their scientific powers of fraud while eloping with their contract assassin after her masquerade as my fiance in order to duplicitously cry that I owed them for sex therapy after a mystery stroke felled a young friend very badly on behalf of hospital killers who poisoned me in castration crime for rebelling at the idea of serving tea to a child molester who they sponsor as a icon of Warhol forgiveness. All along I could sense the impingements and advised Pener Gabriel thinking him moral and in good faith. He broadcast his venomous bias allowing no evidence or check on his nightmare of hate craft.
What did Japan use in their method? It was called the pit of yammering, and Penis Gabriel knew this when his impacted the nerve injury and then sent a fight club yammer through it as a justification for a serial murder directed at the Kennedys by Ringo Starr and his global coterie. Truman Shemp, who bothered me as a college student, was an indication that Trump was already in active, as is the indicator of Donald Gruber, Donald Finnegan and Donald Ostro. Trump was a friend of Warhol whose minions kidnapped and held me hostage. The rabid made clear that any attempt to escape would be sadistically sodomized by British manufacture. Gates and Pener want to disprove scientifically that I am not a sincere Christian and confiscated my letter to Larry in the hospital for public opprobrium against this idea, as though the Clubhouse by death sentence is only for Christians, and all dialogue by necessity Christian, ghoulishly promoted by people who despise and punish doubt, ignoring that Christ had a moment of doubt. What gives? Is fascism the only branch of Christianity? Is leaving fascism scientific proof that you are not a Christian? The infamy gets dark when they bring in sex change specialists putting semen in your coffee demanding that you be a trannie boy if you espouse Christianity to make it up to the perverts.
That is how the murderers operate. How can you say something else? Because of murder is how. I don’t care, I don’t care they mirthfully grin at their victim of terrorism.