In 1964, the always peculiar American publication industry, now a form of domestic espionage online, printed from a gang at Collier-McMillan in New York known as The Free Press a collection of essays edited by Harry Eckstein called Internal War. On p. 81, Thos. Perry Thornton, or Penis Thornton, his essay Terror as a Weapon, hummed thusly, “The resonant mass and the identification group do not become anxious in the face of highly discriminate terrorism, but if they believe they are confronted with seemingly indiscriminate terror, they will experience the required sense of personal involvement.” Bring Thornton a Diet Pepsi, his light on Operation: Louis Twisted His Ankle is translucent enough to weigh in as lucid. The required sense of personal involvement is precisely what Shifty had in mind in goading Courtney to write me as he mongered a secret war casefile for Jaime and Swimmer. In their military parody using homeland to terrorize America the paradox focused on Greta Thunberg, a little more violently than Midori Goto tore a shirt with Kyra and let off bloodcurdling screams, “Take me Take me for my own safety!” to the gargoyle on high, who pushed a button for her services. With Greta, although she soothsays for them, she is also expendable to their terrorism, while assured she is not. Rabid honed their AIDS device at CMU with Goto and Swimmer.

This was all going on before covid and the NAACP knew. When fully advised they shoved me aside. I made a special trip to Chicago, in poverty, homelessness and deaf, on foot to Operation: Push long ago. If you want me to mumble garble a mouthful about how they went I suppose you can just ask.

The two facts that come to light in Case Co2-623 have a common thread ~ they knew and knew I didn’t know. I can’t omoja the weasel tongue of a High Court Judge responsible, but they knew about the neuroplasm and detonated it as a sports injury knowing I didn’t know and they knew from my long list of celebrities responsible that it was Trump who at that stage I had barely even heard of. Now we know that Delta Don is coming to take to Joe Manshin in the sky with diamonds.

Pittsburgh of course is iron fisted as a bodyguard against their own slaughtering blows, over by Jimmy Emergency Room at St. Garage. What happened to Saoirse was evocation of personal involvement, exactly by the book Internal War, so that CMU and Shifty can intone YOU ARE THE ONE THAT MADE US TWIST OUR ANKLE, YOU DEVIL.