Due to universities, due to moral education, after the second World War we still had a lot to be thankful for. The victory made sense, even if the manner of it escaped comprehension. Roosevelt’s generation seemed to be agreeable men. As a child, the Jews impressed me for the sentimentality and humanity that seemed to be in evidence in their testimony at Nuremberg. One man wept upon learning that another, older man, had insisted the doctors of the concentration camp accept him for a castration experiment instead of the younger man. I don’t know why I allowed the V.A. nurse to give me an unwarranted drug. I was in severe trauma. One never gets used to being laughed at by young black female millennials who have identified me for that pitiful white, but that is the sort of world we live in. It also gave me diabetes, I went into hypothermia for the endoscopy exam, who knows what surgery for my throat will involve. There is not the slightest evidence for the notion that Donnie Chin was killed to punish Seattle for doing it, the very idea of it is ridiculous. The name Chin is entirely associated with good feeling and sincerity towards me, a girl named Chin, who was raped to punish her, taught me sign language, a man named Chin confirmed the evidence of beatings, I was concerned to share evidence that the gang involving Amanda Harcourt, Shawn Brooks and David Broudy, from Pittsburgh, who poisoned me, also may have shot him. The murder of Saoirse Kennedy totally belies the idea from the new book that the Amanda Gang, with Prebanic, were concerned for the death of JFK, Jr. the idea is completely syphilitic. These publication clowniacs are trying to make a grand haul for the Warhol Museum promoting the false sponsor of George Bush, while themselves behind arson, 911, torture and the horrible genocide of the attack. Both Harcourt and Prebanic had followed me to Mt. Desert Island, lied about, did everything imaginable to normalize the Boko Harem style of the situation in Pittsburgh and no one was better equipped to justify child bondage pornography under their terms of hidden camera psychiatry than Microsoft. Carnegie Mellon printed a tee-shirt, “CMU Ate Your Brains.” They were running a Truman Show in a lifelong ordeal of brain damage controlled drama club crime. The only possible motive Chinatown could have had in killing Saoirse was to announce the agency of the criminally insane.
Although I am indignant about the murder of Saoirse, it should be noted that the Kennedys announced their estate as a “compound” in sympatico with Gabriel’s disclosure of his own that ways, not the usual term for an estate, and signifying the likelihood of Galas agency within their gates.
A psychiatrist of my friendship talked to me about the way that even in severe brain injury, parts of the brain keep working. Towards this ends, they impinged an advocacy argument of dissertation on a traumacose child pleading for humane controls the lisp of higher moral strictures in political non-aggression pacts between Trump and Sharpton. During this mission of crime the murderers implied that trying to tug free of consensual sex, which they couldn’t even correlate to their “correctly identified defiant trespass" of acted out deliberate seduction entrapment to any real event or imaginary, other than their own, in Neva dialogue from the X-slurers, and which never took place, is psychological rape satisfactory to the victim on victim rottweilers in Friends Truman Show diagnostics at Ken Russell studios. The queerbait eased off when requested. Attempting to escape is injection. Other articles of mine detail the: Bark, Fido approach to control of an implanted brain trauma, the way the mutilationists talked around the impacted semi-coma, frozen implant. Miles Kirshner’s game was always perfectly obvious, to normalize a lost soul environment while committing ripper character assassination. One of his partners, Thos. Gordon, was always sneering about the golem following the path of least resistance. Meanwhile, nobody pointed out that the first and most elementary observations of early deaf psychologists was that deaf children are lonely and have to bond with whoever is willing to endure them, who are few and hard to find. This was a public school and worse, these madmen are the enemies of the public schools. The corporate scientists are still banging on trying to turn their criminal experiment into a license to normalize as friendship circles the brutality of hostage and stalking in nightmare acts of mutilation.
Hawaii was a watchword where this was going on. Daniel Inouye was a sonar indexicality to the plan that underwrote suspension of the U.S. Constitution. It was what was In-you-ee that they were going to tune in on, with their help of their violent, pedophile goon, Donald Ostro, the Hawaiian mafia had Ryland Crary’s boy under lock and key for Billy Gates. Billy Gates is the guy who sees the good as going up to heaven and the bad as going down to hell. He is the guy who voided the valuable law of the Post Office that living effigies never appear on U.S. Stamps, nor foreign figures. He is the guy who implanted and brutalized a brain injury so he could photograph the victim gasping when publically raped by the wriggling finger of the squalid parochial. Pittsburgh loves Billy Gates, his black goons there laugh about knocking out white boys, and sneer that a 100 lb. child was attacked blindside in an ongoing assault by armed members of the KKK because “it” was a “sissy”. They don’t know what that is, but they don’t want to be one, myuh, myuh.
On one occasion I went by bus to visit Renton and was at the bus island when a uniformed dacoit from Microsoft demanded identification and what I was doing there. Under whose authority? Billy Gates can shake down a pedestrian at a public bus stop? These murderers arrested me for trespassing when I went to an appointment they set up and invited me to, I went there to cancel the appointment, and said it was psychological evidence of rape. They triggered the implant and had me in seizures, raped my deaf girlfriend, poisoned me, tortured me, shot my friend, murdered Saoirse, and the police say it’s friendly fire? Because the queerbait gasps when strange children are pushed at him suddenly. Maybe these murderers just don’t know what was done to me as a child and what sort of memories the assassins impacted.
The narrative is on script so there’s never been any doubt that Christian hirelings were arranged to defame the queerbait for the attackers, like Bronson’s hooker in The Mechanic, think up another one, sweetheart for next time. The claim that Linda H. making love with me in the presence of Val and Donald Ostro was my responsibility has never been tested in court. It was an Annabel Lee, two children, in the presence of adults. One of the children had been hired by assassins, the other one had been beaten and battered into terrible trauma. They were making out. It was neurobedient bondage school from the Pittsburgh Penguins Microsoft labs in the genocide.
Which just goes to show you how cunning licky chops Michael Reagan is in trying to worm his way back to his favorite scene.
Inouye and Ostro had British soundtrack going throughout for manufacture in the case. Suitable for Frankenstein crimes like those in holocaust society vivisection at Pitt, they used things like Aerosol Grey Machine (cough, cough) by Van Der Graaf Generator. Scared of them, when I was thirteen, Ostro and Mancine got me to use inhalants and then afterwards told me they were the most carcinogenic substance on the market. What does that word mean? When I gave Leslie Katz the Van Der Graaf record The Least We Can Do Is Wave To Each Other, she poured red wax all over it at Swarthmore, one of those special Aquarian gestures.
Putting me through heart care emergencies, sexual laboratories, crowing that I should lead by example, the Microsoft war team are a lot like the girl who egged on her boyfriend to commit suicide and wouldn’t allow anyone to rescue him. (Dynix). They set up the infectious attack and announce a military honor code of requiring the victim to die to prove loyalty to the generation. They have a hot button ideological idea, beyond John Lennon, which I knew nothing about, the flinch I felt when I saw Gail Burstyn’s mention of “millions diecide.” The evidence shows that her friend Wattenmaker was teaching me about Yad Vashim. The schizoid man cartoon I drew around age 10 has a mention of “the promised land.” So what I thought it meant is perfectly obvious.
To see Pittsburgh and Seattle lie and lie about all of this, to see the NAACP confederate with and use the whole thing to promote things like Al Sharpton’s friendship with Donald Trump, is from the android zone. This is obviously much too huge of a war load being installed into play for it to have just been some casual response to a jealous boyfriend.
I had the misfortune once of meeting the woman who wrote the book, “Looking Like the Enemy.” There was certainly nothing friendly about it. She was hostile when, in Chinatown, where I had long lived, I bowed to her. Clearly, the sensibilities of UW have nothing to do with wanting cultural sensitivity. They just want the upper hand in insurmountable complaining about micro-aggression. UW’s authority is doing the whole thing to promote Yoko Ono, who was the enemy at that time of our history. The attackers from UW set up a NEVA command post formulary in Pittsburgh for Skrewdriver types to use promoting an alliance with the NAACP. While the attackers in London leered that the incident of a faculty member from India seducing a student SYMBOLIZED white privilege, the truth is told as SIGNIFYING entrapment games planned and clocked to the Onslaught.
King Crimson always enjoyed opening their records with a kick in the teeth. They would get the child turning the record up real loud to listen to something super soft being sung and then blasted its ears out. They had one record opening foaming at the mouth with ravenous guttersnipes about a health food faggot in a paper bag. The lisper then cunningly announced what Paul Colaizzo calls the double arithmetic of the Nation-State for Britain. He lisped that health food faggot top actually means a hoagie. In the sarcophagus of human rights we have in the United States, the double arithmetic is the death knell of our social contract. What could it be but hypocrisy? When the Suez Alliance Pittsburgh Jewry spew which sitting on the wall of Pitt that gave them a law degree that they “just hate Arabs, ehhhh, what can I say, I just, I just HATE Arabs!” When they announce themselves “Abdul the Terrorist” on KDKA saying, “no one is innocent,” these Jewish thugs, having fun, playing games, with their guru the health food faggot who only hates Subway when its goyim.
The Queers of Seattle are always assuring us they are safe with children, but make no mention of not only what they did to little Jimmy, but how they prolonged it, egging the victim into their “gaseous paint chamber” (Richard McGarvey) and refusing to allow anyone to intervene, sneering, “Sex stops with, n’you.” The attack for Queer Seattle was a UW pool shark routine, and their identity politics is the derision of maniacal greed, a culture that uses victims the way that mercenaries use canines in illegal dog fight syndicates.
A suspicious sound began after brutal mistreatment by Sound Mental Health. The perpetrators behind this have an album called Brain Salad Surgery and have behaved with what they think of as sapioerotic sadism towards me for years. My former college’s Honors Department complained about them, and there have been murder attacks by them, operating from Warhol but the wonder of Sound lackeys. In a word, famous musicians. The condition began as a diseased looking, swollen abscess on my lip during a camping “welcome home” with them a few years ago. It had an incredibly long gestation, but once it got into my gums, supposedly gingivitis, it has still not succumbed entirely to the mouthwash, but I’m trying. It produced gobs of plaque but the ENT could not see, nor diagnose the squeegy like rattling that occurs whenever I move my head. I’m concerned it could spread, as plaque does, to the brain and bring fruition to an abscess these scholars would relish.