The attached X-ray appears to show a huge amount of carotid plaque confirming some grounds for suspicion I have stated before that the Tangney mission when I arrived was a poison crime to the lip meant to target the brain. Certainly the development in the jugular vein is clear representation of the bad faith by which I was lured here again. So I am returning to the sinister Pennsylvania.
Seattle flooded da’lip with a copiously plaque-producing bio-terror agent that was clocked to an incubation rate that conspired with lecture planning to bring me into understanding of that problem just as it became clear from the rattling, leading to an a-ha moment, echoed by an Ah, So! -on which was impinged a haha. So what was the content of the lecture and were there burdensome cultural ramifications?
Naturally, I’m upset. I came out West to nurse diabetes and instead now being sent back in even worse condition, after the usual false assurances. When I arrived and went camping something mysterious wounded my lip with an awful swelling abscess. I became suspicious it was deliberate when one of my sociology teachers associated with the gang from Pittsburgh and SMH's Green Party syndicate made jokes in class about the rude things some cultures put in their mouths and his favorites began making disgusto gestures at me, suggesting I had something horrid to spit out.
My gums inflamed with a copiously plaque-producing infection that still is not completely tamed, two years later. One of my ears has begun constantly rattling, god that rattling, and dental pictures show that a huge amount of plaque has invaded my jugular vein. That's dangerous surgery. This means the poison crime from the socialized administration of professional services in their grudge ethic towards me (over nothing I did wrong, but my general opinions about political acts in my time), is probably another notorious Capitol Hill act of their murder, inc. The hospital, my new cardiologist, ordered further tests to determine the significance of all that plaque, but it can't be good. I'm very disappointed in Tangney's crowd. He apparently was a classmate of my ex-fiance who did a number on me, also for Seattle, in Pittsburgh in the early 90's. What gives with this monstrous city, I will never understand.
I may go back to Pittsburgh after this quarter, and I wanted to make sure of my having discussed my cause in a clear, simple way.
To understand exactly where I am with all that, a man named Zell specifically asked me, "What would you think of a scheme to transform the human race by injecting the blood," in the early 80's before AIDS happened. He lured me into a war game about testing on Mt. Desert Island. He wrote the letter I attached in Later it was shown they used a nerve agent on me. No one knew it was there but them before it surfaced as the video shows.
Accordingly it is clear where I stand. The nerve agent was 1974. 1980 and 1981 were too soon to be talking about and planning the AIDS trap.
So my position is clear.
From there, according to them, their explanation is such that none of the above matters. Before you even address Warhol Museum's claim that it was an AIDS "Theme Park," or the bizarre trajectory of their mayhem, the Lab fires, 911, by persons calling me in the 70's, and working in Hollywood, Peter Gabriel's justifications, which many people read, you have where I stand, that's before they enter with all their story lines. Dr. Cho of TCC discusses Mt. Desert and Ming Na Wen, who I dated in Pittsburgh, now at Disney and a perp, in his sociology classes. I doubt he would subscribe to allowing discussion of the truth openly.
While opportunistic objections are put forward about this routinely concerning my hearing, I would know if I didn’t understand or not. Further, my hearing wasn’t as bad then and he made sure I heard him. I swore to the truth before a Maine State Polygraph Officer who said something about self-hypnosis on LSD. More to the point, however, this objection justifies my deep cover campaign to secure more proof which was successful, despite generating a huge wave of terror from London intending to shut me down and punish with heavy prejudice.
Guess they went for the neck.